How are you taking care of yourself?

Do you feel as if your life is missing something? You can't quite put your finger on it but there is something that you want that you feel you can't have. Is this something that you focus on regularly? You have the house,  the car, the husband, the kid oh wait! That's it! Are you missing yourself in the daily process that is your life? 

We as women focus on others and their needs while forgetting about ourselves. "I don't have time to have friends". "I don't have time to exercise but I hate my thighs and my jelly belly!" "Who will take care of the family if I go away for the weekend and have some relaxation" or Heaven forbid some fun?

As a therapist I heard these words over and over again. The translation is "I am just not that important". There would then be a blank stare and a quiet "I am important". Then I would say "tell me some things you do that are nice for yourself". Again a blank stare would come from the other side of the room. 

We have now established what the focus for our next few sessions are. Let me pause here to say what has excited me about coaching is how quickly and easily people can shift into a positive frame of mind with a few sessions that are guaranteed to make a difference. I continue to work during the day in the mental health field teaching people with serious mental illness how to cope with their illness and improve their quality of life. What about the rest of the world that don't need "therapy" but still feel something is missing? I have found coaching to be the answer to that question.  

As I move into my 25th year as a therapist I am back in school again. This time I am becoming certified as a Law Of Attraction Coach. This is something that had been nagging me for a few years now as nothing less than a "calling". I completely understand that word now. This process is teaching me brand new ways to help people feel good about themselves and achieve things that they never believed possible. This includes but is not limited to making themselves a priority.  

I looked at different programs out there and the one that really called me was Christy Whitman's Quantum Success Coaching Academy. She is a brilliant teacher who has trained other brilliant teachers to give us the tools to help everyday people just like you shine in their lives and find their purposes. She has a new book coming out this month called The Art Of Having It All. It is a handbook for women to get everything they ever wanted out of life. If you pre order your book you will get access to 150 interviews with top minds of today and immediate access to the audio and ebook. The books are shipping on February 26, 2015. I have read the book and it is amazing. Everything Christy puts out is top notch!! The price of the book is $16.95 plus shipping. Just click the link below for access to this life changing book.

If you feel you are ready to grow and shift in a positive direction feel free to email me and you will receive two FREE sessions to decide if coaching is right for you. Thank you so much for reading my first blog! Feel free to share this blog with the world!! I want to reach as many people as possible to help them begin their journey to happiness.  

Love and joy, 


PS: If you are not interested in purchasing the book right now but would like access to the FREE interviews please click this link.


